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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a soul care ministry of listening, discernment, contemplation, and prayer in a confidential setting. It’s the practice of being with you as you attempt to deepen and explore your relationship with God or work out any feelings or questions you may have concerning your journey.

What is Spiritual Direction?


Spiritual direction is not a modern innovation but a very ancient and simple process of one person offering another spiritual guidance and counsel. Spiritual direction is a time-honored term for a conversation about ways in which God may be touching our lives, directly or indirectly. It is the practice of being with a person as they attempt to explore and deepen their relationship with God as well as their desire to learn and grow in their own personal spirituality. 

As the spiritual director (companion, soul friend) I sit as a witness to the ongoing conversation that God is having with you.


Spiritual direction may be for you if you are:


  • Seeking a more contemplative approach to your life

  • At a crossroad or in a time of transition 

  • Looking for answers

  • Longing for space to uncover your own questions about God

  • Drifting or stuck on your spiritual path

  • Struggling with disappointments along the way

  • Wanting to explore new ways of praying

  • Feeling on the margins, or wounded by your spiritual community

  • Looking for a focused means of growing your relationship with God


Spiritual direction gives:


  • A safe, non-judgmental place to explore questions and difficulties

  • Sacred time for you

  • Soul care and self-care

  • Deepening insight

  • Resources to help you on your journey

  • Answers

  • Assuredness that you are not alone


Spiritual direction helps you to tend to the soul, and grow in inner freedom as you deepen in intimacy with God, self, others, and creation. Indeed, you may find or rediscover what brings you energy and life.


What typically happens in a direction session?


Normally, each session is 1 hour (60 minutes). The time usually begins with a time of quiet centering and or prayer, followed by a time for you to share whatever seems important. Mainly we talk, but sometimes people find art helpful to express intangible feelings or symbolism, or a meditation to explore something deep within. You simply come to a session as you are. We may work with your day-to-day life, your night-time dreams, your fears, your longings, your struggles, your joys, and your prayers.

Life has many spiritual landscapes through which we journey. Wherever you find yourself, I seek to be present with you in your experience and explore what you really desire in your depths. Then there is an interaction between us as we seek together to discern God’s movement and invitations in your life. The session ends with a brief time of closure and prayer.


How often would I meet with my director?


That really depends on you. Once a month is a common pattern, although more often, especially in the beginning, may be helpful. Some people contact their directors only when they are ready. The frequency will be determined by your needs at the time.


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